Session plan – self esteem and friendship
Session to enhance Self-Esteem and Strengthen Friendship and to create a sense of belonging in the Youth Club among the young people, the volunteers and youth workers in order to create a sense of community. This is a 30/40 minutes session that is aimed at making the Young People feel comfortable in their group, to boost their confidence and enhance their self-esteem. It is suitable for 11-25 year olds.
The session is made of 4 activities with different purposes:
1. to break the ice with all the members of the group
2. to reflect individually through creativity
3. to play and strengthen bonds through competition
4. to release emotions, boost empathy and cooperation using artistic skills.
The session is very relaxing, and meant to be carried out in a calm atmosphere, where emotions and creativity will flow.
Impact: will be developing a sense of belonging with the group, to strengthen the relationships with the other members, to develop empathy, positive thoughts and enhance one’s own confidence and self-esteem.
Materials: Colours, papers, pens and pencils will be enough!
My top tips:
1. To explain the aim of the session in the beginning and to make a proper final discussion in the end, allowing each young person to reflect on what they’ve learned and expressing their thoughts.
2. Take your time to do the activities, if you see that you are running out of time just do what you can and try to extend the session another time. Let the young people enjoy and interact with the time they need. Each group is different, adapt the activities and timings depending on the group you have.
3. At the end of the session, find a space in the room where you can hang the pictures of the Hands and the Affection Portraits. This way the Young People will see the result of their work and they will have a positive feeling every time they see their drawings.