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An Exploration of Youth Work’s Impact on the Subjective Well-being of Young People

A phenomenological Study of Youth Work in Wales
This PhD study aimed to critically explore whether Youth Work can have an impact on the subjective well-being (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, 2013) of young people. To achieve this, a phenomenological research methodology has been utilised to research young people’s experiences of youth and community work across Wales in urban, rural and former industrial areas.  The study employed a process of in-depth interviews with young people which supported young people to share their experiences of Youth Work and to identify the essence of its contribution to their subjective well-being (SWB).
The study identified four key themes integral to the relationship between Youth Work and subjective well-being of young people.  These key themes are: firstly, the significance of consistency while growing up; secondly, the significance of key people; thirdly, the importance of place; fourthly, the significance of diverse experiences in Youth Work.    The study identified 18 sub-themes which detail distinct elements of Youth Work and its contribution to the enhancement of subjective well-being.  These key themes and sub themes enhance SWB by acting on the life satisfaction, life meaning and happiness of young people.

To explore these themes a model has been developed which utilises the interrelationship of ecological systems (Watling Neal and Neal, 2013) and Youth Work.  This analysis recognises that social change is, for some young people, making a satisfactory transition to adulthood increasingly difficult and that Youth Work has a role which can ease this transition through enhancing SWB.  Overall, it is concluded that Youth Work, based on a distinct set of characteristics, provides participants with opportunities to enhance their subjective well-being.

Author: Darrel Williams, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2021
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