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PYOG: Estyn Aide Memoir

Author: Principal Youth Officers' Group (PYOG) 2012

This paper, produced by the Wales Principal Youth Officers' Group (PYOG), is an aide memoir for new and established local authority youth service leads and is intended to inform, support and guide. This paper may also provide a catalyst for discussions around the future role of the Youth Service in assisting local authorities to discharge their statutory function in relation to Youth Support Services.

This paper is developed in conjunction with the PYOG Estyn Comments paper, which includes comments specific to the Youth Service extracted from Estyn inspections of local authority education provision between 2004-2012. This includes themes of good practice observed in the sector during this period.

How Effectively Does the Youth Service Respond to the Needs of Young Parents Living in Rural Wales?

Author: Cath Wilson, Trinity Saint David University 2012

BA(Hons) Youth & Community Work dissertation which considers how effectively the Youth Service responds to the needs of young parents living in rural Wales.

Policies on preventing unwanted teenage pregnancy are currently high on the agenda and reducing rates of teenage conception is one of the key priorities for public health outlined in The Welsh Government Sexual Health and Wellbeing Action Plan (WAG, 2011) However, few studies have considered the specific needs of young parents and especially for those who are living in rural and often isolated areas of Wales.

The main aim of this study will look to demonstrate that through engaging in Youth Work activities young parents will receive the support they need to make a successful transition to adulthood.

PYOG: Estyn Comments on Youth Service 2004-2012

Author: Principal Youth Officers' Group (PYOG) 2012

This paper has been compiled by the Wales Principal Youth Officers’ Group (PYOG) primarily as a tool for observing themes of good practice as part of a process of improving quality and providing evidence that youth work delivery on the whole has remained at a consistently high standard across this 8 year period.

In the last decade, Estyn’s inspection role with the Youth Service in Wales has evolved from a full and specific inspection of the service to specific feedback as part of a broader inspection of Youth Support Services, to no specific feedback under current arrangements for inspection of local authority education services for children and young people (LAESCYP).

Guidance on Healthier Food and Drink in Youth Work Settings

Author: Welsh Government, 2012

This booklet gives practical advice to support youth workers, volunteers and young people, when introducing healthier food and drink in venues where young people meet. It supports work being undertaken through Change4Life, Appetite for Life, and the Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes, which all aim to improve the overall diet of young people living in Wales. It is consistent with the Welsh Government’s aim to ensure that our public sector settings are an exemplar of best practice in the drive to create an environment where it is easy for people eat healthily.

The Needs of Young People aged 15-19 and the Youth Work Response

Author: Howard Williamson et al, Wales Youth Agency/University of Wales Cardiff 1997

Summary and full report.

This report is the first piece of work conducted under the auspices (and direction) of a research partnership between the University of Wales (Cardiff) School of Social and Administrative Studies and the Wales Youth Agency.  Financial support for the project was provided by the Wales Youth Agency and Health Promotion Wales.  At a time of local government reorganisation in Wales, the research group which oversees the work of the partnership felt that a research priority was to examine the extent to which contemporary youth work practice met the 'needs' of young people within the 15-19 age range.

History of the Boys’; Club Movement in Wales – Timeline 28-08

Clubs for Young People in Wales, 2009

Decision Time for the Youth Service

Author: John Rose, 2012 unpublished paper

Short paper which attempts to identify some of the structural changes that have taken place around the Youth Service and make some assessment of what options it has for the future and if it can survive and prosper in a changing society.

Discrete Youth Work Within a Partnership Approach

Author: Joanne Sims, Trinity Saint David University 2012

Student assignment which seeks to critically analyse how effectively youth and community work is able to maintain its discrete way of working within a policy framework driven by a partnership approach.

The Global Dimension in Youth Work: A Conceptual Model

Author: Greg Woolley, George Williams College, London 2011

This specific item explores the 5 key elements or faces of globalisation. It explores the main impacts of these on communities and young people.

Outside 4 Walls: Quality Standards for Implementing Detached and Outreach Youth Work

Author: Eifion Williams, Liam Kealy, Wales Youth Agency 1999

A guide to quality standards for implementing detached and outreach youth work. Includes:- Definitions; Principles; Working Environment; Management and Supervision. A sample budget is also included. Bilingual WYA 'Newsline' paper.