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Implementation of the Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2019

Author: Welsh Government 2019

This document sets out the governance and delivery arrangements for realising the commitments identified in the Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2019.

Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2019

Author: Welsh Government 2019

This strategy sets out a shared vision for the future of youth work in Wales. The high-level principles set out in this document have been co-developed with young people and the youth work sector. The strategy identifies a series of actions that will move us closer to our long-term goals and will be supported by an Implementation Plan.

A youth sector response to the homelessness agenda in Wales

Author: Nick Hudd, Pembrokeshire Youth Service, 2019
Nick Hudd discusses the role of the youth work sector in addressing youth homelessness. He argues that the youth sector are well adept in providing support to young people experiencing the issues that can cause homelessness and, for those who sense a departure from more traditional forms of youth work, suggests that this agenda allows youth work practitioners to exercise their skills and experience in a way that can have a real impact.

Health and Wellbeing: A guide to working with young people

Author: Public Health Wales NHS Trust, Aneurin Bevan Gwent Public Health Team, PYOG 2018

This guide was developed as a resource for Youth Workers and a wide range of other professionals and volunteers who deliver health and well-being messages to children and young people aged 11-25. It provides health promotion information and activities on a range of topic areas.

Please note:

  • For some of the activities you will need internet access to view videos

  • Throughout the guide there are worksheets for which you will need access to a printer

  • Two PowerPoint presentations are available for download separately

  • The document will be updated online

Further information [external link to latest version]

How successful is a Caerphilly Learning Pathway Centre from the perspectives of young people, teachers and youth workers?

Author: Lucy Hill, University of South Wales 2018
BA(Hons) Youth & Community Work (Youth Justice) Dissertation.

This small scale research study involves a case study asking a question of whether a Learning Pathway Centre in Caerphilly is seen to be successful based on the perceptions of young people, teachers, and youth workers.

Exploring the Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Young People’s Romantic Relationships

Author: Ruth Cameron, University of South Wales 2017
BA (Hons) Youth & Community Work Dissertation.

The purpose of this study was to identify the impact that Child Sexual Abuse can have upon young people reaching adolescence, with the intentions to understand how cognitive, emotional, social and educational development may be impaired.

Response to Labour Party consultation on involving young people in the political process

Author: John Rose, 2013
Personal response to 2013 Labour Party consultation on how to better involve young people in the political process. Questions addressed are how best the Labour Party can:

  • Engage more young people in the political process and show how politics counts for them and issues they care about

  • Change the way politics works so it is more inclusive and better communicates with young people

Utilising Digital Technologies in the Delivery of Youth Work

Author: Nick Hudd 2018
Nick Hudd argues that youth workers should look to the future and better embrace digital technologies in order to reflect the importance of technology in the lives of young people and their active engagement with it.

YWCSW 2018 – Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes

Author: CWVYS, PYOG & EWC Youth Work Review Group 2018
‘Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes’ has been produced on a collaborative basis by representatives of the voluntary and local authority youth work sectors in Wales and with the Education Workforce Council.

This document has been produced for the managers and trustees of youth organisations, politicians, local authority elected members and officers, practitioners, trainers and people training to be youth workers and youth support workers.

It has also been written for young people, those already involved in youth organisations as well as those wishing to find out more about the kinds of experience youth organisations can provide.

TAG Seminar Newport: Young People, Resilience and Well-being – Programme and Speakers

Author: USW 2018
One in a series of seven UK-wide policy and practice seminars in 2018 organised by TAG, the Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth and Community Work. This seminar, held in USW Newport, focussed on the topic of resilience and well-being with inputs from Steve Smith, Jo Sims, Dusty Kennedy, Samantha Howells and Laura Tranter.

This document includes the programme, pen picture of speakers and delegate list.