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Agenda for a Generation – Building Effective Youth Work

Author: UK Youth Work Alliance, 1996

This paper, prepared by a UK-wide alliance of representative youth work bodies, sets out the basis for a fully developed and properly resourced youth policy which the country needs now.



Career Pack g: Handouts

Author: CWVYS &Promo Cymru 2008

Youth work career pack produced for the Welsh Assembly Government by the Council for Wales of Voluntary Services (CWVYS) and Promo Cymru. 

The part contains all the photocopiable resources and handouts for the sessions including icebreakers and exercises. The evaluation sheet gives feedback to the tutor and organisation regarding the effectiveness of the session. The follow-up action plan pro forma and age related next steps and options handout included in session 3, all designed to help the facilitator give future support to young people who have expressed an interest in having more information on career options. A certificate of attendance for young people has also been included.

Career Pack h: Appendices

Author: CWVYS &Promo Cymru 2008

Youth work career pack produced for the Welsh Assembly Government by the Council for Wales of Voluntary Services (CWVYS) and Promo Cymru. 

The Appendices provide summary versions of the Youth Work Curriculum Statement for Wales, and the Youth Work National Occupational Standards, useful contacts and more information on training, pay scales and organisations engaged in training and workforce development. Information on awards for young people and references are also contained in the appendices.

Career Pack i: Young People’s Booklet

CWVYS &Promo Cymru 2008

The contribution of youth work to the Programme for Government in Wales

Author: Youth Work Alliance Wales 2013

This paper seeks specifically to identify the broader Welsh Government (WG) policies and demonstrate where and how youth work does/can make a significant contribution to the achievement of those policies by improving the life chances of young people aged 11-25. It is not the purpose of this paper to identify new areas or scope of operation for youth work, but to highlight the role it currently undertakes, as a specific form of work with young people, in contributing to and complementing WG policy.

The strands that make up Programme for Government consist of the following:

  • Growth and Sustainable Jobs
  • Public Services
  • 21st Century Healthcare
  • Education
  • Supporting People
  • Welsh Homes
  • Safer Communities
  • Equality
  • Tackling Poverty
  • Rural Communities
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Culture & Heritage of Wales 

Towards an Outcomes and Impact Approach for the Youth Sector in Wales

Author: Rob Norris, CWVYS 2013

This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework for answering two questions raised by the Welsh Government: what does the Welsh Government get for the funding it provides for the youth service (statutory and voluntary) and to what extent does the use of that funding help to achieve key objectives such as reductions in the number of young people not in education, training or employment. 

The National Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2014-2018

Author: Welsh Government 2014

This strategy sets the direction for youth work organisations for the next four years and builds on a consultation exercise undertaken in 2013. The strategy recognises the value and role of open-access youth work provision; promotes a stronger connection between youth work provision and formal education; identifies the need for closer working between statutory and voluntary youth work organisations; and identifies the need to significantly strengthen the evidence base on the impact of youth work across Wales. The Welsh Government, national and local voluntary organisations, as well as local authorities, will need to work together to successfully implement the identified actions and drive youth work forward.

Ymlaen 06 2003


Issue 11 Summer 2003

4 News 
8 The role of the Youth Service in Extending Entitlement - John Rose
12 Sexual health clinic for Wrexham Infoshop
14 Opportunities for international work plus project management training
16 Supervision in action
20 Caerphilly Youth Forum
22 Learning Pathways 14-19 - the voluntary sector contribution 
24 European experience for Welsh youth workers 
26 Staff College and the new QCA Level 4 programme 
28  Tooled up - toolkit for curriculum planning 
29  Dafydd Baker of Chequers 

Ymlaen 12 2003


Issue 12 Winter 2003 


4 News
9 Good practice in photographing young people
10 Social inclusion, partnerships and learning – the role of the Youth Service in Extending Entitlement - John Holmes
14 Llanrumney generation project bridges the age gap 
16 Overview of the European YOUTH funding programme, plus connecting futures in Azerbaijan 
18 Veronica Wilson discusses the concept of young people’s participation
21 Courtney Taylor poses the question, is youth work training in Wales standing still or moving forward?
24 Bert Jones talks about sustainable youth work at the Youth Cymru conference
28 The Handy Guide to Self Assessment and YWSPP Toolkit 
30 Janice Roberts of Denbighshire Youth Service 


An Investigation into the impact the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework (YEPF) has had on Cardiff Youth Service

Author: Dayle Luce, University of Wales Trinity Saint David 2015

BA Youth & Community Work Dissertation.

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework (WG, 2013) has had on Cardiff Youth Service in relation to structures, systems, staff, style, skills, strategies and shared values identified through the McKenzie 7's framework.

In order to gain an in-depth understanding the literature presented within the literature review explored the developments of the Youth Service in Wales and strategies set out to provide vision for the service. The study later discusses the methodology used which set out to gather the views and opinions of practitioners through conducting observations, and two semi structured interviews.

The study concluded that the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework had significant impact on the service which may be seen as a positive . It provides vision for the service, however, it may be argued that Youth Work values and principles are diminished.